Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What's in a Title?

In my first attempt at blogging, I wanted to explain the title of my blog. Before I begin I have to give credit to my sister who actually suggested the title. Thanks Andie!

It all started with Penny, my black lab growing up, and my grandfather. One of my grandfather's favorite activities was flipping through the channels and yelling at the people on the t.v before flipping to the next channel. When we visited, Penny would always stand in front of the t.v. effectively blocking my grandfather's view and he would always say "Dag burnt, get out of the way two cents". Of course my brother, sister, and myself would always get mad and tell him that her name was not two cents it was Penny!

Many years later after both Penny and my grandfather were gone and I was married, I got my own puppy and of course she was a black lab. I had decided long before I saw her that I wanted to name my first puppy Penny 2cents, but after looking at her face I knew that I could never call her Penny without thinking about how much I missed the first Penny. In the end we called her Sadie, but we kept 2cents as her middle name in honor of both my grandfather and Penny.

In addition to that heartwarming story, this blog is me putting my 2 cents in, so there you go!

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