Friday, May 23, 2008

Goodbye Timeclocks!

Today was (hopefully) the last day that I will ever have to punch a time clock! Starting June 1st I will be a Graduate Intern on salary!
Today will also be our last trip to Kobe! I am going to miss that food sooooooo much! I never get tired of it.
Our "official" closing date is Tuesday @4. I say official, but our underwriter has not yet gotten all the paper work finished. They called today and wanted me to set up a salary key. I had no idea what that was and neither did they. But several emails and 20 phone calls later I got the number. I don't even think that it will give them the information that they will need. They want to be able to confirm my graduate intern salary but I think it will only give them my current salary until Kmart changes it in the computer around June 1st. I have already told my sister that we may be bringing a moving truck to her house and moving in with them if something happens at the closing!
Let the packing begin!

Friday, May 16, 2008

In Limbo

I am trying to keep myself occupied by working a little and trying to study but all I really want to do it pack up this house and get into my new one!
I am driving Phillip crazy by asking daily if we have heard anything about our closing date. I think what is making me so nuts is that he doesn't seem to mind that we still don't have a set date or appointment. Our paper work says that we will close on the 27th or 28th. He seems to think that since it is in the paper work that everything will magically work out.
Also, Wells Fargo is still working on our paper work which makes me panic at the thought of them saying they changed their mind and won't approve the loan until I am at my full salary. Again, Phillip tells me he is not worried about it. I can't help it. There is just something in me that likes to know were I will be living in the next two weeks.
I also need to know when I can start packing! I don't want to start to early because where am I going to put all the boxes and what if I pack something and find out that I need it later? I guess I will just have to wait a little longer....

Sunday, May 11, 2008

That's Dr. Weber-Roe...

I have officially graduated from pharmacy school!

Years ago I use to write myself a letter at midnight on New Years Eve so that I could read it at the same time the next year. They were very silly letters just wishing myself a good new year and asking if I had accomplished some of the things I had set out to do. A few weeks ago when I was going through an old box I ran across one of those letters. I read it and was amazed at how much I have accomplished since that time. In the letter I asked myself things like had Phillip and I set a date for the wedding, did I have that little black lab puppy that I wanted so badly, and had I decided if I wanted to pursue pharmacy school yet? Well, Phillip and I will be married for 9 years in December, I now have two black labs which I love more than anything, and yes I decided that I would give pharmacy school a try.

It is so hard for me remember what it felt like to be the person that wrote that letter. I remember being afraid to tell the people closest to me that I wanted to apply to pharmacy school because I thought that they would laugh. I remember the amazement I felt when I actually started getting invitations for interviews. I remember after my interview at Shenandoah calling my parents and telling them that this is were I wanted to be. I remember calling my mother in tears when I got the email congratulating me on my acceptance to Shenandoah. I remember the first day of orientation wondering how I would ever make it past the first semester. I remember dreading the start of rotations and then actually enjoying them after I realizing that I had strengths that I never knew I had.
Now that it is all over and done, I will always remember the friends that I have made during my time at the BJDSOP. I will always remember that Phillip stuck with me no matter how hard it was to be so far from home. I will always remember Eli's speech at the hooding ceremony that made us all cry. I will always remember the look on my dad's face when he said "Congratulations Dr. Weber-Roe. " And I will always try to remember that I have strengths that I don't yet know about.

So here is a huge thanks to all of my family, friends, faculty, and coworkers who have been there for me during this roller coaster ride!

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Countdown.....

The big day is almost here! Only 3 days of VERY LONG reviews away then hooding and graduation! I did decide to skip the 4 hour law review that is taking place at this moment. I feel for all of my friend who a currently wishing they could drill a hole in their head (Nancy!). A few people convinced me that listening to her go over VA law would confuse me with KY law and we just can't have that.

I did do something productive with the time, I mowed the grass, and I am getting ready to start working on some calculations. That always puts me in a wonderful mood......

I leave you with a few pictures of Phollies 2008 and our class cookout at Dr. Lizer's lake house! I love my friends and am going to miss them sooooooo much!

Nancy and Kenzie
Me and Martha
Dr. Stolte, Jessica, and Jarred

Jim, Vance, Lori, Alaska, and Jocelyn

Jessica and Sarah