Friday, May 16, 2008

In Limbo

I am trying to keep myself occupied by working a little and trying to study but all I really want to do it pack up this house and get into my new one!
I am driving Phillip crazy by asking daily if we have heard anything about our closing date. I think what is making me so nuts is that he doesn't seem to mind that we still don't have a set date or appointment. Our paper work says that we will close on the 27th or 28th. He seems to think that since it is in the paper work that everything will magically work out.
Also, Wells Fargo is still working on our paper work which makes me panic at the thought of them saying they changed their mind and won't approve the loan until I am at my full salary. Again, Phillip tells me he is not worried about it. I can't help it. There is just something in me that likes to know were I will be living in the next two weeks.
I also need to know when I can start packing! I don't want to start to early because where am I going to put all the boxes and what if I pack something and find out that I need it later? I guess I will just have to wait a little longer....

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